Window hangings
Everyone wants to make the place where he lives the coziest one. Independent of which design style is prevailed in your home, stained glass window hangings are able to fit perfectly to every interior, making your house soulful, warm and sweet. Besides having various interesting designs, stained glass radiates colorful shining light, which will fulfill your home with more comfort and cosiness. Not to mention, that stained glass window hangings are eye-catching decorations, which will please everyone with its beauty.
Special value
Stained glass art has a long history. Previously stained glass was mainly used in churches and temples to complement and emphasize their gorgeous look. But modern stained glass art covers more directions and is used not just for perpacing orderary glass . Stained glass decor also includes Tiffany lamps, panels, suncatchers and other decor. Stained glass, which is not inserted in window or furniture called window hanging, because it’s hanged on the window by special sticker or suction cup. Thus your home could be beautified with stained glass decor of different design and size, which could easily be moved all over the window.
Stained glass window hangings are handmade, that’s why each piece turn out to be unique. Process of stained glass decor handcrafting is not quick and includes several stages. What should be mentioned here, is that the key of creation a truly artistic decor is lied in master's qualification. Only high-skilled artist is able to create magic with glass turning sheet of glass into a fascinating decor.
Firstly, designer creates a pattern for future product. It could be made for custom order or designed by wishes of artist. After approving of the sketch, the pattern is transferred on the special film, which than is cut on on separate pieces in shape of details.
The next stage is one of the most decisive one - selecting the glass to work with. Stained glass should be combined rightly by colors, texture and level of transparency. From this artist’s choice depends the final result. Just one wrong selected piece of glass could ruin harmonious look of the artwork. That’s why only real profesional could deal with this task and receive a beautiful piece of art.
Than master lay patterns from film on the chosen glass, circle them by marker and cut each detail by glass cutter. The received details have uneven edges, which need to be ground on grinder machine. When edges have already become smooth, the details are cleaned with dry cloth and now the edges of details should be carefully wrapped in the copper foil and soldered together by tin. Finished product is cleaned from flux and its seams are colored with patina of needed shade.
By the way, such technology of working with stained glass was developed by American artist and designer Louis Comfort Tiffany, who began to fasten glass pieces using copper strips, instead of lead. Due to his invention stained glass art has a window of opportunities to make neat joint of pieces, work with small or complex details, lighten and reduce the weight of stained glass products, do volume stained glass decor and the most important - create aesthetic products of different artistic plot.
Such activity is not about work, it’s about pleasure and every stained glass product is made with huge love, care and excitement to create something meaningful, which will bring joy to this world and make people happier .
Gifts, which excite
People all over the world love to decorate their home with stained glass window hangings, because they create a magical atmosphere in the house. In some countries stained glass suncatchers are considered to be a traditional amulet that prevents the penetration of negative energy through windows.The sun's rays, penetrating through multi-colored glass, fantastically sparkle and shimmer in many shades. Millions of sparks fill the room with bright colors, improve mood and decorate the interior.
A great variety of stained glass window hangings represented in the shop, makes it so easy to find such a gift, which will conquer its’ owner by glory, brightness and elegance. For example it could be suncatchers in shape of heart, fish, moon, leaves, unicorn, jellyfish or fruits. Stained glass angel will be a precious gift for godparents. Most common and loved gift is bird suncatcher. And it’s not surprisingly as besides being lovely thing, birds and insects have deep meaning and hide special symbolism. For example, cardinal is considered to be a messenger from heaven, bluebird will bring happiness, butterfly represents life and endurance, hummingbird is love, truth, and balance in life, chickadee stands for positivity and flexibility, dragonfly symbolizes wisdom and change.
Thus you could surprise people you love with nice and meaningful gifts, which would be appropriate for every occasion. But if you haven’t find the gift you’re searching for, you could contact us and we’ll gladly do it for custom order.
Stained Glass Window Hanging Price
Product | Price |
Stained Glass Sunsets "Shinning Sun" | $82.80 |
Green Hummingbird With Orange Throat Suncatcher | $34.50 |
Ukrainian Butterfly | $41.80 |
Sakura Stained Glass | $138 |
The process of handcrafting stained glass decor is extremely time-consuming and requires high skills of working with materials as well as deep artistic vision for making the finished work looks like a real piece of art. Stained glass decor is represented by various products.
The most widespread ones are stained glass windows and panels, the main aim of which is beautifying buildings indoor and outdoor, controlling light and telling a story. The play of light, created by repeatedly refracted of the sun's rays, make an unforgettable impression. That’s why stained glass windows are used in churches and temples, theaters and administrative buildings, in hotels and private interiors. The design could be absolutely various depending on the place where the stained glass is located, surrounding interior and individual wishes of the customer. Someone loves classic distrained patterns, someone adores reproductions of the famous artists, someone prefers bright motives with nature and animals and others prefer to immortalize their memories and events in stained glass.
Lamp is the most impressive stained glass decor, using which the overall appearance of the space is transformed in a magnificent way. Just turn on the light and the room will be filled with vivid glares and shining colors. Often lamp is the main decorative object, taking into account which all the surrounding interior will be designed.
Stained glass mosaic is the way the replicate portraits, animals, buildings and nature in most realistic manner, because it’s consists of a tiny pieces. Mosaics are very common in churches and temples as they give an opportunity to reflect the appearance of the Saints revealing it godly look. In one word mosaic makes possible to express every single detail, shade and shapes, what sometimes isn’t possible in stained glass, pieces of which is soldered to receive a picture.
Stained glass decoration of the window is possible with suncatchers, which are small window hangings made in bright attractive colors. People use it to decorate windows as well as prevent birds hit the window. The most popular suncatchers are made in form of birds, flowers, angels, hearts, bats. This small and cute stained glass decor is a perfect gift idea for beloved people on any occasion. In fact suncatchers are the most affordable stained glass decor as in our shop its price vary from 15$ to 120$.
If you want to fill your house with unique things, which emit glowing colors you are to order a high quality stained glass decor in our shop, which is in stock as well as could be made for custom order. For all arising questions, please, feel free to contact us at: info@pyvovarov.com or via Facebook messenger.
How do you deliver products in the Window hangins category?
Delivery to the United States and Canada is complimentary, with an expected arrival time of 2-3 weeks.
What are the prices for Stained Glass Window Hanging?
Prices for the "Stained Glass Window Hanging" range from $15 to $180. For detailed pricing information, please refer to our website.