Stained glass heart
Stained glass hearts suncatchers are just perfect for Valentines Day. Such items will remind your beloved person about the eternal love and give the feeling that you are always somewhere near.
Valentines Day – where does it come from?
To begin with, we would like to tell you about this special day, when couples in love exchange some mini gifts, or sometimes not mini, with each other. This day is called so in honour of Saint Valentine, who was a priest from Rome. Saint Valentine was known for marrying people in secret, because back in those times it was forbidden and men who were married were considered to be bad soldiers.
When the Rome Emperor, whose name was Claudius found out about it, he became extremely angry and furious. Thus, he charged Saint Valentine to jail. Moreover, the Emperor commanded to sentence St Valentine to death.
After having been sentenced, St Valentine fell in love with the girl whose father was also jailed. When the Emperor heard such news, he ordered to kill him. No wonder, this happened on the fourteenth of February. Before being executed, Saint Valentine sent his love interest a letter, which he signed as “your Valentine”.
However, this was not the thing which led to massive celebrations all over the world. Back then, the Romans used to have a festival every February, in the middle of the month. It is said that this festival was arranged in order to meet the spring and walking the winter season of the year. During this Roman festival there was a tradition between boys and girls. Boys had to write the name of the girl they liked to most on the box. Then, they had to pretend as if they were a couple in love until the festival finished. An interesting fact is that sometimes these people got married!
With the course of time, the church decided to make this festival a Christian celebration. As well, it was decided to commemorate Saint Valentine on this day. Since then, this day started to gain its popularity among all Christian people all over the world. Saint Valentine’s name was now used as the means to express the feelings of your romantic love towards the other person.
Stained glass gifts for Valentines day
In modern world, we are all waiting for the fourteenth of February to come. Because exactly on this day we believe that love will be felt as never before. Everybody, who is even far away from being a romantic and touching person, tries his best to please his or her partner and make this day unforgettable and special.
Usually, the pair of sweethearts gifts each other candies, flowers or something like that. However, we believe that valentines suncatcher can become the perfect present on this day. The variety of designs of hearts glass art in our shop will amaze you and you will definitely find suncatchers, which will appeal to you! In comparison to typical gifts, stained glass hearts window hanging will always remind your other half about you and will please his or her eye simple by being on the window and reflecting the sunrays.
Heart shaped glass suncatchers can be of different colours. For instance, on our website you will see that they can be of course red, but as well hearts glass art can be of pink and orange colours and shades. Furthermore, when we decided to craft hearts window hangings, we thought that making simply a heart would be too ordinary and even boring for us!
That is why we did our best to handcraft stained glass hearts with the wired heartbeat. One more variant we suggested was two stained glass hearts uniting in one. One of the hearts suncatchers our customers liked the most is the heart with the arrow in it and the inscription love in the middle if the heart.
However, it is important to mention that not only hearts suncatchers would be perfect for gifting them to the person you love on St.Valentines Day. It can be as well butterfly stained glass suncatchers, which also look adorable! The vibrant colours and fanciful designs will give your partner the sense of your deep love and the most tender feelings.
In addition, stained glass feather suncatcher would sink into the heart of your beloved person. We have a huge variety of colour combinations and you can choose the feather of his or her favourite colours. Such item will not only give her/him the feeling that you are always near, but decorate the room and become the essential part of it.
If you would like to purchase stained glass window hangings, panels or make a custom order, please contact us at: info@glassartstories.com . We would gladly take into consideration all you preferences in colour spectrum, shape, design and size of the stained glass item. By the way, we offer a wide range of cardinal bird suncatcher, so see more in the section birds&insects ☺
Stained glass heart prices
When can I expect to receive my order in the Stained Glass Hearts?
Delivery to the United States and Canada for Stained Glass Hearts typically takes 2-3 weeks.
How much do Stained Glass Hearts cost?
Prices in the Stained Glass Hearts category start from $31 and go up to $90.